film film review movie movie review

Movie Review – Tuesday

This film follows a mother and daughter (Julia Louis Dreyfus and Lola Petticrew) as they struggle with the daughter’s illness. The mother is out of work, but leaves her daughter with a nurse all day whilst she sells off their belongings to pay her bills. It also follows Death, who is in the form of a orange parrot who can make itself larger or smaller.

When Death shows up to take the daughter, she convinces Death to wait until her mother comes home so they spend the day together. When the mother comes home and the daughter reveals Death to her, she panics and swallows the bird. Without Death, London begins to fall into chaos as the dead don’t die.

This little independent film is as bizarre as it is brilliant. Dreyfus and Petticrew work so well together that it hard to turn away from their relationship even when it isn’t working. I did not know what to expect from this, but was blown away by the both the strangeness of it and the familiarity of the grief it exudes.

Four out of five stars for surprising this movie fan who thought they had seen it all, only to be surprised by this film.