Book Review Books

Book Review – Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

I reread this book because it was one of my favorites as a teen. It is still as relevant today as it was then and when it was written.

Written in 1953, the book follows a fireman, but not a fireman in the regular sense. In this dystopian novel, a fireman is a person who burns books for all books have been banned. People no longer read or think for themselves, or educate themselves at all. When the fireman becomes disillusioned with is position in society, he decides to dedicate himself to preserving what remains of literature even if it means losing everything he has.

When I read this in high school in the 1990s, it was not for a school assignment, but because I had read that Ray Bradbury used political correctness as an allegory for censorship. With everything that goes on in our modern day society, this book says so much about how detrimental burning and banning books is. How thinking for ourselves and having open discussion should remain part of our daily lives, and how we educate our young people matters.

Four out of five stars for this book that has remained relevant for decades, and will continue to do so.